Traditional crayfish

Traditional crayfish

30 minEnkelt
650,70 kr
4 portioner139,73 kr per portion
Keep in mind that frozen crayfish is already salty, so be careful about the amount of salt in your layer. Taste a claw before mixing the layers. If it is not salty, you can increase the amount of salt in the recipe.

1 kgKräftor Frysta
2 lVatten
1 stDill - färsk
2 mskGrovt salt
Smaksätt eventuellt med
1 dlFolköl 3,5 %
1 stGul lök
1 mskFänkål Krydda
1 mskAnis
1 mskKummin
1 mskStrösocker

Mix water, salt and dill, possibly even sugar, beer and more in a saucepan. Cook. Allow to simmer for 10 minutes.


Let the layer cool down.


Pick up the dill crowns. Put the frozen crayfish in the layer and put on fresh dill crowns.


Leave to cool for about a day.

Receptet är hämtat ur "Kräftboken" av Annika Mogensen (Ordalaget Bokförlag)


Ann-Sofi Rosenkvist