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21,95 kr+ 1,00 kr pant
43,90 kr /l
According to ancient Greek legend the nectar of ambrosia gave immorality to all who drank it. Unfortunately this “fruit of the gods” is just a myth, but we were inspired to create Ultra Gold as close as we can get for mere mortals. With zero sugar, easy-drinking Ultra Gold has the heavenly fresh flavour of biting into a perfectly ripened golden pineapple. While we can’t promise immortality, our Monster Energy blend will help you stay focused, alert and ready for whatever life throws at you*. Go for Gold!
According to ancient Greek legend the nectar of ambrosia gave immorality to all who drank it. Unfortunately this “fruit of the gods” is just a myth, but we were inspired to create Ultra Gold as close as we can get for mere mortals. With zero sugar, easy-drinking Ultra Gold has the heavenly fresh flavour of biting into a perfectly ripened golden pineapple. While we can’t promise immortality, our Monster Energy blend will help you stay focused, alert and ready for whatever life throws at you*. Go for Gold!
Monster Energy Europe Limited har angett ovanstående information.
Visa alla varor från MONSTER ENERGYAccording to ancient Greek legend the nectar of ambrosia gave immorality to all who drank it. Unfortunately this “fruit of the gods” is just a myth, but we were inspired to create Ultra Gold as close as we can get for mere mortals. With zero sugar, easy-drinking Ultra Gold has the heavenly fresh flavour of biting into a perfectly ripened golden pineapple. While we can’t promise immortality, our Monster Energy blend will help you stay focused, alert and ready for whatever life throws at you*. Go for Gold!
valfri dag
500 milliliter
konserveringsmedel, surhetsreglerande, natriumcitrater, smakförstärkare, natriumbensoat, natriumklorid, rekommenderas, sötningsmedel, pantotensyra, kaliumsorbat, koffeinhalt, sockerkulör, rotextrakt, citronsyra, vitaminer, erytritol, acesulfam, karnitin, kolsyrat, sukralos, färgämne, inositol, känsliga, personer, tartrat, ginseng, kvinnor, gravida, koffein, ammande, niacin, vatten, aromer, taurin, eller, panax, medel, syra, barn, och, hög, som.
1 kr
Monster Energy Europe Limited
9 kJ / 2 kcal
0 g
0 g
1.10 g
0 g
0 g
0.11 g
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
33,98 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
43,90 kr /l
33,98 kr /l
43,90 kr /l